Skyrim Overhaul Mod: Baldur’s Gate

Download the current build of the software here.


Software Framework: TESV: Skyrim Creation Engine
Duration: 2015 – Present
Project Size: Small Team
Role: Project Lead, Level Designer

In this short demo video, you can see some of the most memorable locales and characters from the original Baldur’s Gate envisioned in the Creation Engine, and some of the quests and combat available in the current build.

The Skyrim Overhaul Mod: Baldur’s Gate is a long-term multi-year project in development by a small team at Galaxy Forge Games, LLC. This project seeks to re-create the original 1998 CRPG Baldur’s Gate in the robust next-gen Creation Engine. The Creation Engine is a game engine provided by the Creation Kit software from Bethesda Softworks through their flagship title Skyrim.

As a complete overhaul of Skyrim, this project replaces Skyrim with an entirely new game. This project requires significant level design and script development, creation of hundreds of new spells, enemies, items, weapons, armor, and quests. As well, this mod increases the standard Skyrim follower limit from 1 to 5, and there are over 32 new fully-voiced NPC followers available.

Related Documents

The documents listed in this section were documents I created and maintained during the lifetime of this project. They are licensed under Apache 2.0 and you may freely utilize them as templates for other projects.

Related Levels

The levels listed below are levels I supported and developed for this project.
